Policy & Resources Committee


Date of meeting:  6 October 2022


Agenda Item 59






officer Amendment





Due to a technical fault, automated paragraph references in Item 59 have not correctly updated. The following error references should be corrected as follows:


Paragraph 2.8: The wording Error! Reference source not found’ should read 5.12.


The amended Paragraph 2.8 should read:


2.8 That the Policy & Resources Committee agrees the approach to developing potential warm banks for use over the winter period, including working with the

Community & Voluntary Sector regarding their assets, as set out in paragraphs 5.9 to 5.12.


Paragraph 2.9: The wording Error! Reference source not found’ should read 9.


The amended Paragraph 2.9 should read:


2.9 That the Policy & Resources Committee agrees the proposed communications campaign set out in Section 9 to promote awareness of available advice and support for those in need, and to re-promote charitable giving toward the Cost of Living crisis from those who are able and willing to help.


Paragraph 10.3: The wording Error! Reference source not found’ should read 3.1.


The amended Paragraph 10.3 should read:


10.3 On a household-by-household basis, this means that vulnerable residents were assisted with a mixture of food vouchers, meals, help with fuel bills and other essential items. The various Cost of Living working groups (see paragraph 3.1) and the Cost of Living Officer Group have reviewed and discussed these allocations and there is general agreement that these allocations have worked well, have enabled widespread reach through a range of appropriate settings and avoid, as far as possible with the funds available, lots of re-referrals between different agencies and services.